Fish is a source of vit­a­min D

Deli­cious fish prod­ucts with veg­eta­bles or in oil and fish pâtés are pop­u­lar ingre­di­ents in cui­sine no mat­ter the time of the day and recog­nised for their ben­e­fi­cial effect on our health. In its more than 140 years exis­tence, Dela­maris has cre­at­ed a wide range of inspi­ra­tional fish flavours to pro­vide vari­ety to active fam­i­lies with­out cooking.

The aver­age Euro­pean con­sumes 25.10 kg of fish or seafood a year, which is almost 4 kg more than in the rest of the world. Con­sump­tion varies great­ly in the EU: from 4.80 kg per per­son in Hun­gary to 55.90 kg in Por­tu­gal. It has been found that peo­ple in Slove­nia only eat a lit­tle over 10 kg of fish per year, which is well below the Euro­pean average.

Fish is the most impor­tant source of vit­a­min D in bal­anced diets. Research has found that approx­i­mate­ly 80% of adults do not have enough vit­a­min D in their bod­ies between Novem­ber and April; this vit­a­min plays an impor­tant role in body func­tion and immune response. (Source:, sup­port­ed by the Nation­al Insti­tute of Pub­lic Health and the Nutri­tion Institute).

Pre­lim­i­nary research results show that Slove­ni­ans on aver­age con­sume approx­i­mate­ly 3–4 micro­grams of vit­a­min D per day. (Source: Expert opin­ion on the safe­ty of con­sum­ing food sup­ple­ments con­tain­ing high amounts of vit­a­min D in dai­ly dosage, exceed­ing the rec­om­mend­ed dai­ly intake; NIPH). The rec­om­mend­ed dai­ly intake of vit­a­min D for adults is 5 μg accord­ing to D‑A-CH (sun expo­sure) rec­om­men­da­tions and Reg­u­la­tion (EU) No 1169/2011 (EU*). In the case of com­plete endoge­nous vit­a­min D for­ma­tion absence in the skin, this val­ue is high­er, that is, 20 μg/day, which also applies to chil­dren, preg­nant women and breast­feed­ing moth­ers. Source:‑d

Dela­maris prod­ucts con­tain up to sev­en dif­fer­ent types of veg­eta­bles pre­pared using a spe­cial fer­men­ta­tion pro­ce­dure. Thanks to our select­ed veg­etable com­bi­na­tions, our fish del­i­ca­cies with veg­eta­bles include a high­er con­tent of vit­a­min D.

An analy­sis of Dela­maris prod­ucts has shown that Dela­maris Tourist Pâté is a very rich source of vit­a­min D; red in colour because of its inte­gral car­rots and toma­to sauce, this pâté has been a pop­u­lar break­fast choice for gen­er­a­tions thanks to its great flavour. In addi­tion to its excel­lent taste, peo­ple like it because of its high vit­a­min D con­tent of up to 2.7μg/100g. If you’re look­ing for a rich source of vit­a­min D and you like Adri­at­ic sar­dines, we rec­om­mend Dela­maris Sar­dines with Lemon, which con­tains 2.35μg/100g of vit­a­min D. Let’s com­pare this to mack­er­el, which is also a rich source of this vit­a­min: 100g of mack­er­el fil­let in sun­flower oil con­tains 1.7μg of vit­a­min D. Our tra­di­tion­al mack­er­el with veg­eta­bles, which can be an excel­lent addi­tion­al meal dur­ing stren­u­ous phys­i­cal activ­i­ty or a per­fect expe­ri­ence when you get a moment to your­self, we rec­om­mend our Izo­la Brand (125g) with sev­en types of veg­eta­bles, as 100g of it con­tains as much as 2.2μg of vit­a­min D. Dela­maris analy­ses its prod­ucts in total­i­ty, that is, their fish, sauce, oil and veg­eta­bles together.

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